Friday, February 25, 2011

Abby seems to be feeling ok.  Glad we had her looked at.  Adam has a bad chest cold.  I gave them their medication yesterday afternoon and only Adam's this afternoon.
Abby's school said she was ok to return back to school after 2 doses of meds and no fever.  So, she went back on Thursday as did Linnea.
I am trying to work on their attitudes more and more.  They seem to have, especially Abby, a defiant nature about them and at times they are sassy towards adults.  They say, "No", when they should be more cooperative and positive.  Abby can be fresh and moody.  I am trying to keep their diets consistent and healthy, while also making sure they have outlets for their personalities but in a constructive way.  Abby didn't want to read while at the library yesterday afternoon.  She was excited about checking out  books but she was actively pulling a lot of books that weren't at her beginning reading level.  She wants to listen to stories but I'm trying to get her to read herself.  We are labeling tape with words and having the kids place the tape on the matching items around the house.  I want to see Abby comprehend and think more so I'm narrowing things down to choices so she can decide for herself and feel as though she's in control.  Same for Adam.  Really trying to explain and talk to him, which he likes.

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