Friday, January 28, 2011


After the kids got back from the doctors, they did well.  Ate their dinner and got to bed/asleep by 7:30.  They slept thru the night and all kids but Madelyn woke up at 4:30 am.  Abby and Linnea have been playing, after eating bagels and popcorn.  Adam has been painting.  Adam will stay home and go to his gymnastics class at 11.  Abby will go to school.  I have asked that her snow pants stay at school b/c Wednesday morning, she went to school without them and she wasn't able to play in the snow.  So, I just want them to stay at school.  She can take back and forth her boots/hats/gloves.
Unfotunately, when plans are quickly changed...the kids can be the ones who miss out.
So, I will ask Melissa to give me plenty of notice if the kids's schedules will change.  Letting me know last minute she won't be coming to the house to get the bus, had abby go to school w/o some things she had at the house.  She goes to school each day with her snow gear.
So, i will need a week or 2 advanced notice for schedule changes.

I will call to set up an appointment for Adam's speech...but what we are trying to do and have been for months is just talk to him a lot.  So much.  Kids develop speech when they are around it, so I've read, and that's what we are trying to do.  He asks a lot of questions and "why this, why that.  he's very curious, as all kids are and he's also stuck at time communicating.  So, talking to him a ton and narrowing down his choices to 2....helps him to feel in control.  Instead of demanding he do something...we say, "adam, do you want to have bananas or cheerios?
It forces him to answer with one or the other.  Also, speeking in full sentences and going overboard with explanation so that he hears the speech.  I have printed some information on it and will do what I can at home to practice.  Abby's hair got a trim which helps a lot.  A couple inches more would have been nice but at least she got a trim.

Looks like I have rescheduled to meet with Kevin at the condo monday around 1:30.  I will notify Melissa.

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