Sunday, March 20, 2011


It's sunday and I am taking the kids to jump jakes to play so sarah can do school work b/c  it's too cold and windy to play outside, unfortunately...and yesterday they were at a park.
  The kids came back with sarah after dance class yesterday.  Abby is feeling fine it seems.  Sarah took them to a park til 1:30 yesterday after dance, then everyone laid down for naps, except Adam.  Linnea has a stomach bug...has been throwing up beginning yesterday afternoon.  She is still on meds for her strep and will have to just take it easy today.  Adam is doing fine.  Jess and john came over to visit at 4 and stayed til 9.  We started a fire out back and me, adam, abby, jess and john stayed out for a long time while sarah stayed in with her girls to get them taken care of and to bed early.   the kids all lost their privelage to eat smores b/c they took gum from sarah's purse in the car without asking and all chewed it, then threw it on the floor in her car, while she ran into the house to get coats/shoes for the park after dance. then adam ran away from her at the park when she was trying to leave with them, while she called for him to stop and come back.  he kept running and madelyn followed him.....and went behind the school building.  she had to chase after him all the way to the dumpsters.  he doesn't listen at times when we need him to, ask him to or when it's dangerous, he keeps running.  Adam did that to me and sarah outside the poughkeepsie library when we left the back of the building and were walking on the sidewalk to the front of the building on main street to get to the car.  he ran way ahead of everyone and out of sight.  When will he learn?  so, we are taking away privelages.  We'll come back as late as I can stay away with them and settle in for the night.  Tomorrow, everyone is off to school hopefully.  I have to work tomorrow.

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